Friday, June 14, 2013

CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 33: What I wanna tell you

I: Enter Miss Bee... Ash's unwanted admirer.
II: Ash wishes to tell her something...
III: ...and Bee agrees, hoping that he confesses his love for her.
IV: You just had to say it, Ash! (Oh, dear... he has the shits.)

CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 32: Cancel ang SS

I: Ash composes a text message to his girlfriend...
II: ...with the text shown for our benefit.
III: "Dammit, that was a stupid SMS," he said, deleting it all the way.
IV: Thus, he goes "NVM, kthxbai."

"Special Skill," a.k.a. a character's ultimate move, not "Schutzstaffel!"

CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 31: Di pa ka mupass doh?

I: It's the exams. Spidermon is enjoying himself while Costa pulls a copypasta out of Ash...the fucking idiot.
II: Ash then proceeds to submit his answer to the teacher.
III: And once he submits his paper... wait for it... (Ash, you daft wanker!)

"Di pa ka mupass, doh?" translates to "Aren't you going to submit (your paper), buddy?"

CHUYASH COMICS: 30th Episode Break

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How do you advertise Ash's web group? Behold the answer...if you understand Visayan.


CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 30: Edible Lips

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I: So, how do you kiss a girl?
II: It's easy: close in...
III: ...and lock on.
IV: Going Hannibal Lecter on your girl is optional, but not recommended.


CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 29: Masked Man

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I: So, Ash, who is the mam behind Tobi's mask? (SPOILER: In the Naruto universe, it's actually Obito. Freudian excuse: being friendzoned by Rin. This is what the friendzone can do to a guy. Never mind, Darth Obito really is a thing.)
II: Naturally, the masked man refuses...
III: ...forcing Ash to unmask him.
IV: Holy shit, it's Barney, the depraved homosexual dinosaur!

"QL" is Cebuano shorthand for "Queensland," a chain of motels in Metro Cebu. "Retake or QL?" sounds almost like "Kwatro o kwarto?" a.k.a. sexual harassment by a teacher. That is some illegal shit Barney is doing.


CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 28: One Look

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I: Trekking from the town of Santander to Simala district in the town of Sibonga (a place best known as a pilgrimage site) is no mean feat. (81.7 klicks on foot? Damn, boy...)
II: As a result, meeting a good-looking lady...
III: a welcome sight...
IV: ...if you don't mind that flat chest, you loli-popper! ("Wa ko'y boobies" is one way of saying "I'm flat-chested." Cue screams of "LOLI!" and a full squad [or more] of Militärpolizei on your tail!)


CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 27: Omoyzing Spidermon

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I: Real life isn't like DotA: There's no Aegis of the Immortal, no respawns, no TP scrolls, and only one life.
II: That life becomes endangered when you meet the receiving end of a DYNAMIC ENTRY! (GUY!)
III: And just when you begin to see the Pearly Gates...
IV: ...Spidermon comes to save the day! (So that's where his spider webs come from!)



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I: "So, how did your date go?" Ash asked his best friend.
II: The friend gushes about it...
III: ...and Ash is happy for her.
IV: Ouch...somebody's stuck in the dreaded friendzone. Well, Ash, that makes two of us NOT ANYMORE.

No, I'm serious: As far as girls are concerned, I had a habit of ending up in the friendzone. Let me tell you: it sucked more balls than Sasha Grey at her peak. Now? I loved, I lost, I fathered a son. That's right, I'm a dad.



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I: Ash plans on getting the girl of his dreams...
II: ...and is on a roll until...
III: ...said girl passes by.


CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 24: Why do you live?

I: Like some students, Ash can be contemplative at times.
II: To go, or not to go, that is the question...
III: ...and the contemplation takes him, as if he was Hamlet in Shakespeare's work.
IV: Turns out he's in it for the ladies. Shakespeare has been subverted.

So... To report in or not to report in?

(Source Another one of the "lost in FB, found in G+" pics)

CHUYASH COMICS: Episode 23: Youre Irrestistable

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I: Time for Ash to hit the hay after a long day of schoolwork... (never mind Naruto and Sasuke doing buttsex, it's still not as gay as Twi-fucking-light...unless you're a servant of Khorne. That Slaaneshi shit has to go!)
II: Ash enters his place, with the fridge and the (EXTRA HERETICAL! *BLAM!*) Bieber poster. ( HERETIC! *BLAM!*)
III: He passes by the siren of his place, that tempting desktop...
IV: ...and offers PORN FOR THE PORN GOD! SMUT FOR THE SMUT THRONE! (Cue the Ordo Hereticus knocking on his door.)

If you're wondering, that's the exact title of this episode of CHUYASH COMICS, never mind the Warhammer 40k-related snark in this post.
